colaiste chiarain perorming in school show


Colaiste Chiarain  is very proud of its musical and performing arts tradition.  We aim to put on a school show every year before the october mid-term using transition years as the basis for our cast and crew.  Auditions are open to all first, second and fifth years as well.  Recently we have put on Zombie Prom, Guys and Dolls and Footloose.  One of the most impressive facts about these shows is that the band is usually made up of musicians from the school, from first year up.  Transition Years are highly involved from day one with sets, costumes, advertising, raffle, props etc.  We are very lucky that the staff of the school get behind us in this huge project 100%.  Some people ask why we do it.  We feel that it is of great benefit to the students, it does wonders for their confidence and allows some to shine who might not always be at the fore front academically or on the sports field.  

Last April we had a new departure and put on a talent show in the school where we wanted to showcase as many of the students as possible.  We had a great respnse from singers and musicians.  The overall winner was Daire O'Boyle who performed on the piano.

It has become a recent tradition that we put on a Christmas concert every year as well.  Here we try to get as many of the music class students invloved in performing Christmas type music either in the school or in the parish church for the whole school.  We try to get the school body to join in with us too.  

Copyright (c) 2012 

Coláiste Chiarain