We are currently taking enrolments for our Spring term of classes. You can view or book any of our classes by clicking on the 'Enrol Here' button below on the left. We have added some more classes to the programme this term and we hope they will be of interest to you. Our classes are due to commence on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the 26th, 27th and 28th January (unless otherwise specified). Childcare Level 6 begins on Saturday the 16th January at 9.30am.....Book early to avoid disappointment! Posted: Thu 7th of January, 2016
Our Spring Brochure will be available in local shops and libraries from early January. You can view and book the classes online from late December or early January by clicking on the icon below (left). If you have a query regarding any course, you can send your query to 'leixlip@adulted.ie' (or you can complete the form below) and we will get back to you as soon as we can. We would like to take this opportunity of thanking all our learners and tutors for their contribution over the last year and we look forward to meeting you in the New Year. In the meantime, have a lovely Christmas! Posted: Wed 23rd of December, 2015
Please note that the school will be closed on Tuesday 27th, Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th October. No evening classes. No L6 Childcare class on Saturday the 31st October either. Enjoy the break! Posted: Mon 26th of October, 2015
Brochures will be available from late August and online enrolments will also be possible from that time. Public Enrolment Nights will take place on Tuesday and Thursday the 8th and 10th September 7pm - 8.30pm. Classes are due to commence on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the 22nd, 23rd and 24th September (unless otherwise specified). Childcare L6 starts Saturday 19th September (9.30am - 3.30pm) Mod 1 - Supervision in Early Childhood Care. Childcare L5 starts 22nd September (7pm - 9.30pm) Mod 1 - Child Health and Well Being. Posted: Tue 28th of July, 2015
Coláiste Chiaráin will be closed for Adult Education Classes on Tuesday the 31st of March, Wednesday the 1st of April, Thursday the 2nd April and Saturday the 4th of April. The school will also be closed the following week: 7th, 8th and 9th of April. Childcare classes will run as normal on Saturday the 11th of April. Enjoy the break! Posted: Mon 30th of March, 2015